5 Years of Flow: Reflecting on the Journey
It's been 5 years to the day since we launched Flow for Mac. Time goes by way too fast.
1 Min.
Can you believe it's been 5 years to the day since we launched Flow for Mac? Time goes by way too fast. Back then, we were still students - Flow was just a passion project.
We never imagined we'd still be adding features five years later. But here we are, and our journey is far from over. We're committed to making Flow even better, growing further, and delivering the best focus and productivity timer.
Even though we're now building apps full-time with our tiny but mighty studio, it still feels like friends simply having fun creating products for you to enjoy. We're excited about what's to come, as there's always more to learn and discover.
Here's to the next five years. Thanks for being a part of our journey!
Lea, Leif and Stefan
Can you believe it's been 5 years to the day since we launched Flow for Mac? Time goes by way too fast. Back then, we were still students - Flow was just a passion project.
We never imagined we'd still be adding features five years later. But here we are, and our journey is far from over. We're committed to making Flow even better, growing further, and delivering the best focus and productivity timer.
Even though we're now building apps full-time with our tiny but mighty studio, it still feels like friends simply having fun creating products for you to enjoy. We're excited about what's to come, as there's always more to learn and discover.
Here's to the next five years. Thanks for being a part of our journey!
Lea, Leif and Stefan
Can you believe it's been 5 years to the day since we launched Flow for Mac? Time goes by way too fast. Back then, we were still students - Flow was just a passion project.
We never imagined we'd still be adding features five years later. But here we are, and our journey is far from over. We're committed to making Flow even better, growing further, and delivering the best focus and productivity timer.
Even though we're now building apps full-time with our tiny but mighty studio, it still feels like friends simply having fun creating products for you to enjoy. We're excited about what's to come, as there's always more to learn and discover.
Here's to the next five years. Thanks for being a part of our journey!
Lea, Leif and Stefan
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Schließe dich über 100.000 täglichen Nutzern an, die mit Flow produktiv sind.
©2018-2024 Yugen GmbH
©2018-2024 Yugen GmbH